Sana Sin Esfuerzo/Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, and Help Your Body Fix Itself (Spanish Edition)

#1 Bestseller de The New York Times. Con prologo de David Perlmutter. 9 principios para adquirir de manera natural nuevos habitos saludables que haran que tu cuerpo se regenere a si mismo todos los dias. Tienes que decirles a tus pulmones que respiren? A tu piel que cicatrice una herida? A tu estomago que tenga hambre? No! Tu cuerpo hace todo esto en automatico, espontaneamente. En Sana sin esfuerzo el doctor Joseph Mercola, guru definitivo y pionero en el campo de la medicina natural, revela los nueve pilares para renovar tu salud y alcanzar tu peso ideal, tan faciles de implementar como: - Consumir 75% de las calorias diarias en forma de grasa para reducir la incidencia de enfermedades cardiovasculares y prevenir el cancer.- Evitar algunos tipos de carne y pescado, pero disfrutar de la mantequilla.- Incrementar el consumo de alimentos fermentados para fortalecer el sistema inmune y mejorar el estado de animo.- Caminar descalzo para disminuir la inflamacion sistemica (y porque simplemente se siente genial!).- Reir a carcajadas: es tan bueno para los vasos sanguineos como 15 minutos de ejercicio. Sana sin esfuerzo es el compendio de decadas de experiencia medica del doctor Mercola, asi como el resumen de la informacion cientifica de vanguardia mas esperanzadora y sorprendente. Es la unica guia que necesitas para olvidarte de las enfermedades y el sobrepeso... sin esfuerzo.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONLET YOUR BODY DO THE WORK Do you have to tell your leg to heal from a scrape? Your lungs to take in air? Your body that it's hungry? No. Your body does these things automatically, effortlessly. Vibrant health is your birthright and within your grasp; you just have to step out of the way. In Effortless Healing, online health pioneer, natural medicine advocate, and bestselling author Dr. Joseph Mercola reveals the nine simple secrets to a healthier, thinner you. The results are amazing and the steps can be as easy to implement as: - Throwing ice cubes in your water to make it more "structured" - Skipping breakfast, as it could be making you fat - Eating up to 75 percent of your calories each day in fat for optimal health, reduction of heart disease, and cancer prevention - Avoiding certain meat and fish, but enjoying butter - Eating sauerkraut (and other fermented foods) to improve your immune system and your mood - Walking barefoot outside to decrease system-wide inflammation (and because it just feels great) - Enjoying a laugh: it's as good for your blood vessels as fifteen minutes of exercise Effortless Healing is the distillation of decades of Dr. Mercola's experience and cutting-edge medical knowledge. With his wisdom and that of your body, you can optimize your health, your weight, and your life...effortlessly.

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